Greetings and welcome to the 14th Annual Georgia Legal Food Frenzy!

In collaboration with the Office of the Attorney General, the Young Lawyers Division of the State Bar of Georgia, and Feeding Georgia, we are thrilled to host this friendly, yet impactful, fundraising competition. Together, we aim to rally Georgia law firms, legal organizations, judicial circuits, and corporate in-house counsel to support our regional food banks serving all 159 counties across the state.

Since its inception, the Georgia Legal Food Frenzy has achieved remarkable milestones, raising $5.9 million dollars, which equals more than 23 million meals for those in need.

Georgia’s Food Banks play a crucial role, operating through a vast network of over 2,000 partner agencies and faith-based organizations. Annually, they distribute over 205 million pounds of food to those who need it most across the state.

Competition Timeline

March 3- April 3, 2025 – Early Bird Registration

April 11, Noon – Firm Champion/Team Captain Info meeting Zoom Link ID: 826 7436 4351 Passcode: 237756

April 14-25, 2025: 14TH ANNUAL LEGAL FOOD FRENZY COMPETITION! Only funds raised during this time count toward the competition!

May 5, 2025: Submit your End of Fundraiser Questionnaire

May 12, 2025: Last day to get offline donations to your Food Bank

Mid-May: Winner announced!

TBD: Winners recognized during an awards ceremony with Attorney General Chris Carr at the State Bar Annual Meeting at the Omni Amelia Island Resort. Winning teams will also be invited to Feeding Georgia’s Annual Wild Hog Supper where they will be recognized during the Hunger Heroes Reception.  

Rules & Guidelines

Donations and Scoring:

    • The Legal Food Frenzy is a fundraising competition that’s based on a point system. Teams earn points by raising funds and participating in special challenges that grant bonus points. 
    • Every $1 raised earns your team 4 points toward your total score! The firm or organization with the highest points per employee wins the Attorney General’s Cup, while the team with the most overall points receives the Bar President’s Award.
    • See the full list of awards and winners here: https://galegalfoodfrenzy.org/awards-new/
    • ALL fundraising must take place during the competition dates. Any donations collected before or after these dates will NOT count towards your score. Matching gifts may be made at the end of the competition.
    • Donations can be made via your team’s fundraising page. Please make sure your team fundraising page is set up before the competition begins so that you can hit the ground running!
    • Capital Campaign contributions do not count towards the Legal Food Frenzy. 
  • Offline Donations (Checks/Cash): 
      • All donations must be at the food banks by May 12 to count towards your team score.
  • Checks 
  • Mail or drop off checks to your local Food Bank. 
  • Make checks payable to your Food Bank (see Food Bank Mailing Addresses section). IMPORTANT: Make sure to write “Legal Food Frenzy” on the check’s memo line and note which team you are contributing on behalf of!
  • ACH and Wire Payments are also accepted by some food banks. Please refer to your food bank contact (see Food Bank Contacts section).
  • All monetary donations to the Food Bank are tax-deductible


Firm Champion/Team Captain information

5How to Lead Your Team to Victory!

Thank you for taking on the role of Firm Champion/Team Captain for your firm or organization in the 14th Annual Legal Food Frenzy fundraising competition! Every dollar you raise will directly support your local food bank. Here are your responsibilities as Firm Champion/Team Captain:

1. Gain approval from your organization’s leadership or Managing Partner(s) to potentially match the donations raised by your team.

2. Build momentum about your fundraiser by sharing your page with colleagues, family, friends, and clients. Let them know your team will be fundraising online for the Food Bank between April 14-25, 2025.

Host a kickoff happy hour or luncheon to encourage team participation and spread the word at in-person events like bar association meetings and conferences. 

Create and print out a QR code of your team page and have it ready for co-workers and friends to scan around the office and in-person events.

Remind your co-workers and clients to donate through your newsletters, podcasts, and before every zoom meeting with a simple graphic (use your QR code again here!)

3. Use social media to announce your team’s participation in the 14th Annual Legal Food Frenzy and encourage others in Georgia’s legal community to join. All Legal Food Frenzy winners have one thing in common: they promote their online fundraiser via social media frequently. 

Share the provided graphics to attract more participants.

Use hashtags #GALFF and #LSLFF on social media posts and tag local firms and legal organizations to increase visibility.

Follow the Feeding Georgia Facebook and LinkedIn pages for updates.

4. Set up your team’s fundraising page before April 14. 

Detailed instructions will be provided at the informational meeting on February 16th. If you cannot attend the meeting, we will send a recording and notes to ensure you don’t miss anything.

EARLY BIRD DEADLINE – Register by April 3 to receive additional bonus points.

5. Volunteer Bonus – Sign up your firm and make sure they volunteer at your local food bank before Apr 25, 2025 for an additional 500 bonus points.

Bonus Point Opportunities
  1. Video Bonus: Create a video on your firm’s LinkedIn or Facebook account featuring a partner or leadership member promoting Legal Food Frenzy or challenging another firm to earn 500 bonus points. Share the video link on your End of Fundraiser Questionnaire to claim the bonus points.
  2. Early Bird Bonus: Register by April 3, 2025, to automatically earn 100 bonus points!
  3. Social Media Bonus: Post about the competition on a managing partner or leadership member’s social media page or the firm or organization’s page with the hashtag #GALFF between February 16 – April 26, 2025, to earn a one-time bonus of 100 points. Provide the post link on your End of Fundraiser Questionnaire to receive the bonus points.
  4. End of Fundraiser Questionnaire Bonus: Complete this questionnaire by May 5, 2025 to earn 100 bonus points. It’s essential to ensure your team receives all earned bonus points. 
  5. Referral Bonus: Refer a new legal firm or organization that hasn’t participated in the past and receive 100 bonus points per team. Referred teams must participate in the event, and you must list their name(s) on the End of Fundraiser Questionnaire to receive credit.

Volunteer Bonus – Get a group of colleagues and friends to volunteer at the food bank anytime before Apr 26, 2025 and receive 500 bonus points. See the food bank contact list for a link to your Food Bank’s volunteer page to sign up.

VIP Program


ANYONE! Whoever makes a major donation or matches donations up to $500 or more will be recognized as a Legal Food Frenzy VIP based on the levels listed below. You could even have multiple VIPs from your team. This includes:

  • Your firm or company (we can look up if you already have a matching program in place!)
  • A managing partner or employee
  • A client
  • An outside company, group, or individual




Platinum $10,000+ Gold $5,000+ Silver $2,500+
Bronze $1,000+ Copper $500+






While anyone can simply make a major donation and be recognized as a VIP, we encourage you to increase employee engagement by offering to “match donations.” Here are examples:

  • Matching Ratios. The matcher can “DOUBLE DONATIONS” by pledging to donate $1 for every $1 raised during the competition or TRIPLE donations by donating $2 for every $1 raised. They can also do a .5 = 1 ratio, 50 cents for every $1 raised, and so on.
  • You can apply a maximum to matching. The matcher can pledge to match up to $1,000 in donations or $5,000 in donations, etc.
  • Limit matching to a specific day. The matcher could pledge to match all donations on the first day of the competition or the final day.
  • Have an idea? Let us know! We are open to creative matching ideas that will increase your impact.




  • Increase your ability to fight hunger! This will increase employee buy-in! Studies show that mentioning matching has led to a 51% increase in donations from individuals. Every match can double or triple the number of meals the food banks can distribute with your donations.
  • Get an edge in the competition! The matching contribution will count towards your firm or organization’s Legal Food Frenzy point total, so you will be much more competitive!
  • Get extra recognition! This is an excellent opportunity to enhance your brand and gain recognition at your local food bank.

Setting up your team page

Firms and Legal Organizations can sign up to compete at www.galegalfoodfrenzy.org/sign-up after Mar 3, 2025

1. Go to your Food Bank fundraising page: 

2. Create your team page

3. The team captain should be the designated contact person at your firm/organization. They will receive all competition communications and are tasked with sharing this information with colleagues.

4. Firms and Legal Organizations with multiple office locations in Georgia should sign up individually so that we can connect them with their Local Food Bank. They should only list the number of employees in their specific office. At the end of the competition, the totals from all related offices will be aggregated and the firm/organization will compete as a single entity for the Grand Prize Attorney General’s Cup.

Need help registering? 

Video tutorial to set up your team page: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPgXwhd5atQ

Email [email protected]


Georgia Food Banks



America’s Second Harvest of Coastal Georgia

1380 Chatham Parkway 

Savannah, GA 31405

EIN: 58-1442013

Contact: Maja Ciric

[email protected] 

Alternate Contact: Emily Westbrook

[email protected]

Volunteer Link

Atlanta Community Food Bank

3400 North Desert Drive

Atlanta, GA 30344

EIN: 58-1376648 

Mary Lee Johnson

[email protected] 

Volunteer Link

Chattanooga Area Food Bank 2009 Curtain Pole Rd

Chattanooga, TN 37406

EIN: 62-0867645       

Contact: Summer Simmons

[email protected] 

Volunteer Link

Feeding the Valley Food Bank

6744 Flat Rock Rd.

Midland, GA 31820

EIN: 62-0867645                                                           

Contact: Jennifer Shawa

[email protected]

Volunteer Link

Food Bank of Northeast Georgia 861 Newton Bridge Rd

Athens, GA 30607

EIN: 58-1938066        

Contact: Colson Holt

[email protected]                      

Volunteer Link 

Georgia Mountain Food Bank

1642 Calvary Industrial Drive, SW

Gainesville, GA 30507 

EIN: 26-2787610

Contact: Ronii Diaz

[email protected] 

Volunteer Link

Golden Harvest Food Bank 3310 Commerce Drive

Augusta, GA 30909 EIN: 58-1466516         

Contact: Doressa Hawes

[email protected]

Volunteer Link                                                  

Middle Georgia Community Food Bank

4490 Ocmulgee E Blvd

Macon, GA 31217

EIN: 58-2484086

Contact: Melody L. Carter, PhD

[email protected]


Volunteer Link

Second Harvest of South Georgia

1411 Harbin Circle

Valdosta, GA 31601

EIN: 58-2208545

Contact: Janna Luke

[email protected] 

Volunteer Link

Email Templates

EMAIL Template to your Colleagues 

Subject: Join Us in the Legal Food Frenzy: Together, We Can Make a Difference!

Hey Team,


Exciting news! The Attorney General and YLD have teamed up with Georgia’s Food Banks to host the Legal Food Frenzy, a spirited two-week fundraising competition involving law firms, legal organizations, corporate in-house counsel, and judicial circuits across Georgia. And guess what? We’re all in for the win!


This year’s competition is more than just a chance to snag the prestigious “Attorney General’s Cup.” It’s about making a real impact where it counts. Did you know that Georgia’s food banks are distributing more food now than during the height of the pandemic?  Shocking, right? And with 1 in 8 Georgia children at risk of hunger, our support is needed now more than ever.


But here’s the good news: Every dollar we raise stays right here in our community, benefiting [insert your local food bank]. And get this – for every $1 donated, our food bank can distribute 4 meals worth of food. Talk about making a difference!


So, let’s roll up our sleeves and dive into action. Share the word with everyone – friends, family, clients – because this is a team effort, and together, we can tackle food insecurity in Georgia head-on!


Ready to make a difference? Click here to donate between April 14 – 25, 2025, and let’s fight hunger together!


Warm regards,

[Your Name]

EMAIL Template to your clients


Subject: Join Us in the Fight Against Hunger: Let’s Make a Difference Together!


Hello [Client’s Name],


I hope this email finds you well!

I’m excited to share some news that’s close to our hearts here at [Your Company]. The Attorney General and the State Bar are teaming up with Georgia’s Food Banks to host the 14th Annual Legal Food Frenzy, a spirited fundraising competition among Georgia’s legal community. And guess what? We’re diving in headfirst, and we’d love for you to join us!


Sure, winning the competition would be fantastic, but what truly matters is the opportunity to provide essential assistance to our neighbors in need.


Here’s why it’s so urgent: Georgia’s food banks continue to distribute food at or above pandemic levels. Shocking, right? And to make matters worse, 1 in 8 Georgia children is at risk of hunger.

But here’s where you come in: We’re reaching out to ask for your partnership in making a real difference. Here’s how you can get involved:

  • Make a donation or pledge to match the donations we raise.
  • Between April 14 – 25, 2025, share this [insert donation link] with your employees and contacts to encourage them to donate and help us fight hunger in our community.


Every dollar we raise will directly benefit [insert your local food bank], our regional Food Bank serving our community. Together, we have the power to make a significant impact. For every $1 donated, the Food Bank can distribute 4 meals worth of food into the community.


Let’s step up to the challenge and do our part to combat food insecurity right here in our very own community!


Looking forward to joining forces with you,

[Your Name]

Talking Points


Use these talking points when speaking to colleagues, friends, family, or clients!


  • The Legal Food Frenzy is a two-week fundraising competition in April among law firms, legal organizations, judicial circuits, and corporate in-house counsel to see who can have the biggest impact on hunger!
  • It is an effort that began 13 years ago in partnership with the Office of the Attorney General, the Young Lawyer’s Division of the State Bar, and Feeding Georgia to benefit Georgia’s regional food banks.
  • $1 Raised = 4 Points in the competition- and there are multiple bonus point opportunities!
  • Whichever team earns the most points per employee will win the prestigious Attorney General’s Cup, and the team that earns the most overall will win the Bar President’s Award. Now is our chance to go face-to-face with our biggest competition and WIN! 
  • Most importantly, our efforts are helping to solve an important issue: HUNGER IN GEORGIA! 
  • 1 in 8 children in Georgia is at risk for hunger, and over 60 percent of Georgia’s public school students are eligible for free or reduced-price meals each day.
  • Many of these children are learning virtually and missing out on meals they once received at school. As the summer approaches, these children will continue to struggle as they potentially remain at home with fewer options for daycare programs, reliant solely on their family’s pantries.
  • The Food Banks have been responding to a 30% increase in demand for food assistance since the onset of the pandemic, and the majority of the families seeking food assistance today are seeking food assistance for the first time.
  • Your donations will go to good use! For every $1 donated, it can help the Food Bank provide enough food for  4 meals. 
  • Everything we raise will stay LOCAL and benefit the Food Bank that serves our community. 
  • Our firm’s goal is to raise $____! We need to engage all of our colleagues, clients, and friends to make this happen!
  • The fundraising competition runs from April 14 – 25, 2025. We will be able to raise money via our own unique online fundraising page, so it is really simple to donate and promote!  
  • I challenge you! Send our donation link to 5 friends/family members OR reach out to 3 clients to see if they’ll contribute or even match donations.


Ideas for your Fundraising Drive
  • Matching: Leverage or showcase your commitment to the community and corporate citizenship with your clients. Engage them in the fundraising drive. See the How Matching Works section for matching ideas!
  • Host a Visit from a Food Banker: Have someone on staff at your regional food bank come to speak to your office about food insecurity and how your support will help the community!
  • Engage Your Community: Involve your friends and family members in the Legal Food Frenzy! Spread the word on social media, by email, and by phone calls! Use #GALFF on social media and include the link to your fundraising page to promote the competition.
  • Friendly Competition: conduct non-monetary wagering and/or email wars between law firms and/or firm departments.
  • Happy Hour: Host a Happy Hour event for your employees with your biggest clients or managing partners. Incentivize staff to participate by requiring a donation to attend.
  • Friendly Competition: Split your employees into teams to promote internal competition. The team that raises the most money wins a prize.
  • Lunch for the Hungry Day: Employees and clients contribute what they would normally spend on lunch.
  • Totals: Display daily totals in high-traffic areas in your office or announce totals using emails to keep employees and clients up-to-date and involved.
  • Online Auction: Gather interesting items from employees and leadership to “sell” to the highest bidders at an auction at the office. Proceeds from the auction can be donated to your food bank.
  • Team Prize: have a prize for all employees who participate if your company wins their category or meets your fundraising goal.
LFF Graphics

Resource Guide
